Search Engine Optimization for your WordPress and Blogspot Blogs

Finally… here we go… to sit back and relax… but get hits (readers) flowing into your blog… No more promotions, no more crazy shoutings like “I have a blog, I have a blog, come and read it, I have a…”

Let’s begin with an example. I’m going to write an article related to child workers in my country. Below is what I would suggest to optimize the post for search engines,

Picking the right title:
To Do: Have it lengthy. Your title should be a one liner of what you are going to say in your entire post. It is very import to choose your title.
Reason: Search Engines give priority to keywords present in you title than elsewhere.
E.g., supposing your article is about your views on child workers in your society then have a title like “My views on Child Labor in your country name/location”.
Writing your first few lines:
To Do: Have most of your keywords (primary words) in the first few lines of your post.
Reason: If meta tags are not present in your page (for WordPress blogs, meta tags will not be present) search engines (Google especially) will pick up/consider words from the first few lines of your post as meta tags.
E.g., proceedings with the same ‘child labor’ example, if your post is talking about any laws or acts for child labor like “Child Worker act of 1962” (or) if you have to mention any person who worked for Child Labor (or) any fact and figures then have it in the first line itself.
Picking the right URL:
To Do: Make it long (but not too long)… with almost all the keywords in it.
Reason: Again, Search Engines give priority to keywords present in you URL next to the priority given to the title.
Note: Too much of anything is good for nothing. So please do not have a paragraph in your URL. You may end up in misery.
Right Usage of Anchor tags:
To Do: Supposing you want anchor tags within your post, it is very much recommended. In fact, you can have them in your primary words/keywords to link it to related posts or pages or sites.
Reason: Keywords in anchor tags (links) are given higher priority than keywords in simple text.
Note: For keywords that naturally appear in your post/body you can link it using anchor tags. But again, the same advice, do not overdo it. It may give a spam kind of look to your post.
Begin with an image file:
To Do: Always have image files at the very beginning of your post. A small one will do… may be in the right top corner or left or anywhere. But at the top. It will do the trick.
Reason: Quite the same reason. Words in the image caption, alternate text, etc., would be much visible to search engines than simple text.
Note: Do not forget to add alternate name to the image. Also add image description and caption.
Navigation Bar – It must be present all over the Blog:
To Do: Well, I cannot suggest great things here since we (WordPress users) don’t have cent percent control over our blog. So, we have a widget called ‘Author’, use it. It’s a kind of substitute for Navigation Bars.
Reason: This is one way to ensure easy spidering (Crawling by Googlbot) for the Search Engines.
Note: Not using this may not lead to free flow within your blog. Here, free flow is not for you or your readers. It’s for the search engine spiders like googlebots.
Webmaster will help you to monitor your site:
To Do: Google Webmaster Tool provides you with detailed reports about your pages’ visibility on Google.
Reason: Just to check how well Google sees your Blog
Note: Well, you should know how to use the tool. You can easily learn it. Any difficulties let me know. I will do my best to help you.
Other tips are like,
·         You can submit your blog to Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, Live etc. at least once in a month. Remember to do test searches in Search Engines to verify that your blog shows up for right set of keywords.
·         Leave your link in popular sites. They would create incoming links to your blog which is also one big way of getting readers to your page.
·         Once Search Engines develops trust in your site your page rank will increase automatically.
Well, I will not say “THAT’S IT” for the number of tips and tricks since there are much more. But this is quite enough for people like us who just need readers and hits. May be if we are paid for every hit (a business blog) then we may look into deeper and technical things. But this itself is fairly enough.
I do know some tricks that illegal kind of things 😉 but will not share them. Hmm, maybe will share them privately if you ask for. But then, it should be just for knowledge sake and should not be used. Even I don’t use them 🙂 .
Hope this article would help you to sit back… relax… but get readers. So you no need to promote your blog any more. Happy? 
Hey, all the above trick will work for sure. After all, these ideas where from a Search Engine Guy.
Well, that’s guy is me only yar 🙂 . Happy Blogging.
Freddie Maize